and Big Sister loves her! Sloan Alexa was born on August 6th at 11:12 am after a very easy labor and delivery for mom. She weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 21 inches long. Lindy was so excited to meet her little sister. She was suppose to go to summer camp the morning Sloan was born, but would have no part of it. She just wanted to come to the hospital to be with Mommy, Daddy, and "Swoany". Week 1 has gone smoothly - Lindy wants Sloan included in all aspects of our normal routine (bath time, bed time, dinner). We have also given the poor girl a nickname that I'm afraid is going to stick, Sloany Bologna. I think I might be changing the blog name to Lindy Lollipop and Sloany Bologna. Lindy also told me that my belly was still big and wanted to know if we could put a baby brother in there...if only it was that easy! At her 1 week appointment Sloan was 8lbs 1oz...All good progress!
Our Third Teenager
1 year ago